Sophisticated Simplicity

Our in-person speed dating events and matchmaking services offer fresh alternatives for Oakland singles. Whether you’re looking for a night out with fellow singles or find one-on-one matchmaking to be your cup of tea, we bring just the right amount of flirty to suit any need.

Like a private club, not every dater is for us. We routinely screen those daters whom appear to be nice-challenged, while for those that tend to see the good in everything and everyone, the world of cheeky is theirs! With complimentary events and matchmaking opportunities - being lovely has all the perks.

Speed Dating in Oakland

In-Person Speed Dating

As a reporter for LA Talk said, “I walked through the venue without even noticing the tables of daters; events are so chic and low key you might just walk right by.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Devoid of traditional party and event trimmings, we prefer a subtle, comfortable and relaxing environment.

Matchmaking Packages

For those that prefer the same simplified experience in matchmaking we offer our 'Date Nights' free of contracts or commitments. With packages ranging from $595 - $945 - It's as simple as selecting your package, telling us your preferences and allowing us to arrange the evening. Consider us your blind date specialists!

Speed Dating in Oakland

“It’s actually pretty easy; the seven minutes fly by so quickly you barely have time to introduce yourself before a host appears and quietly taps the man to move down the line (in a bid for subtlety, nights are void of stopwatches, bells and whistles).”

Oakland Speed Dating & Matchmaking

“I pictured a snaking line of dolled-up girls changing seats at a dinging bell in front of a small handful of awkward, overwhelmed men. Somehow, that wasn't it at all. In fact, speed dating may actually be NYC's best-kept dating secret. But here’s where speed dating is completely different (read: infinitely better) than Tinder and any other dating app -- it accounts for chemistry.”

Speed Dating in Oakland

“They are changing the speed dating scene and attracting a more sophisticated crowd than ever before. Their approach to matchmaking offers a fresh alternative to contracts and commitments.”